Destination Wedding Hair and Makeup Ideas - Glitzy Secrets
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Destination Wedding Hair and Makeup Ideas

April 17, 2016

These days more and more couples are jetting off to more exotic climes for their big day celebrations, in search of guaranteed sunshine (or snow!) and picturesque wedding backdrops. If you and your h2b have decided to wed abroad, then you’ll need to think a little differently when it comes to your wedding look – especially when it comes to beauty. Here are some of our top destination wedding tips for hair and makeup…

Hair and make-up ideas for a destination wedding

Images: Top Row via Anna Campbell | Second Row via Style Me Pretty | Third Row via The Knot | Fourth Row Left - Enchanting Pearl Hair Pins by Glitzy Secrets | Fourth Row Right via Polka Dot Bride | Bottom Row via Island Style Weddings

Loose hair

Lots of brides marrying by the sea or in a tropical location tend to have their hair long and loose for a beachy, mermaid vibe, and we agree that it looks beautiful. One thing you will want to bear in mind though, is that these types of styles will quickly become mussed, and curls will quickly get humid or windswept and drop out. The same goes for the classic half-up, half-down ‘do – you’ll need plenty of touch ups throughout the day to keep your hair looking its freshest, so remember to take extra pins and humidity-blocking hairspray with you.

Hair flowers

We love the way a destination bride looks in a floral crown or with a stunning flower pin in her hair, and hair flowers look fantastic in everything from loose waves to dramatic updos. You could wear a flower native to the country you’re marrying in, or one that matches your bouquet. However, fresh flowers can easily become damaged or fall out, so if you’re worried about damage or want a specific look then we recommend wearing an embellished flower clip or side tiara such as Glitzy Secrets Roses of Grace.


Pinning your hair away from your face is ideal if you’re marrying somewhere hot, as it prevents your hair and skin from becoming greasy from sea air and humidity. You could go for a simple twist, or for a more elaborate and pretty updo (which is actually more likely to stay put than a loose curl or wave).  Adding a glittering diamante or pearl detail hair pin makes a practical pin a lot prettier!


Braids are ideal for a destination wedding, as they still look elegant and boho, but will stay put for longer than a looser ‘do. This is also a great solution if you have hair that’s prone to frizz in humid climates! If you love a little bling, then add a bridal side tiara or comb for a touch of added sparkle.

Inspiration for your bridal hair and make-up for an abroad wedding

Images: Top Row via The Bridal Makeup Co | Second Row Left via French Wedding Style | Second Row Right via Style Me Pretty (as before) | Third Row Left - Roses of Grace Hair Flower by Glitzy Secrets | Third Row Right via Polka Dot Bride (as before) | Bottom Row via Island Style Weddings (as before)


When it comes to your destination wedding makeup, remember that less is more! You’ll want to choose something similar to what you’d wear if you were marrying in the UK, but with extra attention paid to creating a light base. Heavy foundations and powders are a no-no, as they’ll become cakey and prone to sliding in hot, sunny weather. Invest in a fixing spray to keep your makeup in place, and choose crème formulations for your bronzer and blusher for a healthy glow.

As far as your chosen beauty look goes, pick something that looks similar to the type of makeup you’d wear on holiday, with a more polished finish. Whether that’s bronzed, gleaming skin and a slightly smoked-out eye, or a natural complexion with a bright lip, you’ll want to do trials in similar conditions with your chosen makeup artist if possible.

Oh, and if you’re marrying out in the sun, don’t forget your sun cream!

Written by Izzy - Blogger at Glitzy Secrets

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